School commences at 8.55 am and ends at 2.55 pm. We ask you to ensure your child is at school before 8.55 so they have time to prepare themselves for the day. Conversely, children are not to be at school before 8.30 am as the early part of the day is valuable time for teacher meetings and preparations.


8.55am - school commences
10.40-11am - morning interval
12.30-1.30pm - lunch
2.55pm - school closes


The school patrols are senior students trained to assist children to cross Mackey and Willoughby Streets in safety. The patrol operates in the afternoons only.


It is preferred that children do not ride to school until they are 10 years of age. No bikes are to be ridden or scooted inside the school grounds.


Parents are requested to provide information on medical or family issues that may affect your child's well being at school. Confidentiality will be maintained.


Lunches may be ordered from the school each morning by writing your child's name and order on an envelope together with the appropriate money and placing it in the lunch order box in the classroom.

From time to time fundraising special lunches are held, for example, sausage sizzles. Parents are advised of these through the newsletter.


Two bus services operate in the area:
School bus conractor - Murphys Bus Service
Paul Martin - private contractor.

Contact the school office for details of the various bus runs.


Students attending a Catholic Integrated School are eligible for school transport assistance, where there are no suitable public passenger services, if:
They are under 10 years and live more than 3.2 km from their nearest Catholic Integrated School, or
They are over 10 years and live more than 4.8 km from their nearest Catholic Integrated School.


Once children have arrived at school they are not permitted to leave the school grounds until dismissal time at the end of the day, unless parental permission is given directly to a teacher in the form of a phone call or written note.

Children on visits to the Dental Clinic at South School are permitted to leave school. An older child will be assigned to accompany younger children.


When parking along Mackay Street please ensure that the entrance way into the school and the bus stop are left clear at all times.


Please let the school know if your child will be absent from school for any reason, either by sending us a note, by telephone or fax. All absences are recorded by teachers at 9.00am daily. We will ring home if your child is not at school. This is a safety precaution for you and the school. If your child is to be away for over 2 days, for reasons other than health, you must request permission from the Principal. Recurrent unexplained, unjustified absences or lateness will also be followed up.


In the event of an accident to a pupil, the duty teacher will ensure proper and adequate attention is given. If in the opinion ofthe duty teacher and injury is sufficient to require examination by a doctor, he/she will first consult with the Principal and then inform the parent/caregiver. If the parent/caregiver or those listed as emergency contacts can not be contacted then a teacher or parent helper will take the child to the child's doctor or the Accident and Emergency Department at the hospital. Should the injury warrant an ambulance, it will be called.


Please do not send your children to school if they are unwell, as not only are they not able to learn but other children may become ill.

If a child becomes ill at school the parents/caregivers will be contacted as soon as practicable, so that the child can be taken home and receive the care and attention they need.


Allergies, such as bee stings, are to be noted on the enrolment form. If your child needs medication for an allergy, please send it to school clearly labelled with the child's name, name of allergy and the dose required. It will be kept in the staffroom and returned at the end of the year.


Asthma. Please advise the school office if your child suffers from asthma, and arrange for medication to be available either with your child's teacher or kept by your child.

Parents whose children require medication administered on a regular daily basis must fill out a form authorising teachers or school staff to do so. Parents are requested to bring into school the medication in a container clearl marked with the child's name, dosage and the name of the medication.